
TOD’S: Comfortable Shoes & Royal Handbags

“Leather is like a religion to us”

– Diego Della Valle

Quality… a simple yet important factor of anything created.  And, when it comes to the leather goods, Diego Della Valle, the current CEO, never falls short of brilliance. Starting in the late 1920’s, his father’s shoe-making business hit the ground running and, by the 70’s, it went on international sales and into the homes of millions. By using artisanal techniques and handmade skills, he focused on the comfort of shoes and the elegance of handbags.

Mastery of Incandescent Loafers

Loafers shot

TOD’S primary creation, the loafer, is synonymous with the life of the brand. Designed to suit both men and women, its timeless artistry is poured into every inch of the creative process, and is the main factor leading to the brand gaining our respect and adoration.

Upon entering the TOD’S store, the wide selection of colorful moccasins makes you want to have a pair for each outfit, amplified with the level of comfort each shoe provides. Described in his words, Della Valle stated that “Usually, when people speak of comfort, the product in question is cheap. When they speak of luxury, the product in question is too stiff, and makes no sense as something to use in modern, everyday life.” His production process is what enabled him to materialize and define the meaning of a comfortable stride, taking industry standards to new levels.

 The D-Bag: A Quintessential Princess Bag

Shot of Lady Diana Shot of Kate Middleton









Another vital symbol for TOD’S is the quality leather bags, handmade with superiority. The strikingly classy D-bag, seen on the arms of many beloved personalities, brings to mind one name: Princess Diana. Chosen by Lady D while browsing through the store, this bag became a classic and was named after the princess. It is a posthumous honor to the fashion and humanitarian icon, allowing her to make an everlasting imprint on this world. This precise fact is what makes me love this bag even more, giving the world one last bond with Lady Diana.

Shot of the D-CubeShot of the D-Bag Original









The D-Bag came to symbolize femininity and opulence, a look that we all strive to achieve. Now called the D-Cube, it endured a transformation since Princess Diana’s time, going from a square-like shape to a curvier form with a more ladylike design and darker outlines. More recently, it’s been seen adorning the arms of Kate Middleton, Diane Kruger, and Nicole Kidman. Though the definitive and vintage look of the initial model would be my personal preference, its modern look fits the new generation of spontaneity and impulse.

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Lana A.

Content Editor